Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So I woke up about 15 times during the night last night, even though I took some over-the-counter sleeping pills. I feel groggy and a little abrasive, which is never a good thing. I wish I could control my bestial temper sometimes. I know it's over-the-top and dramatic when it's really loosed ... I'm glad it's not happened in a while. I'm trying my best this year (so far - hehe) to just breathe when things torque me off ... three or four times, if necessary. I'm all for avoiding confrontation. I've got that much of my mother in me, for sure.

I had this wacky dream the night before last that a group of people, myself included, were boarding a plane to travel to someone's wedding. It was a small plane with huge windows. They were almost like full-length picture windows on both sides of the aircraft. There were compartments above and below the seats, and each person who boarded ahead of me stored his or her carry-on luggage and other bags snugly in all available spaces. By the time I boarded, they were all full, so I had to stash mine under my feet. The pilot was told to follow a specific route, and it ended up being very close to automobile traffic. There were a couple close calls ... almost clipping a bus with our wing, nearly taking the top off an SUV with our wheels. Eventually, we were gliding high in the clouds, zig-zagging back and forth, watching the world zoom past. I remember being upside down a time or two, and then feeling my stomach drop when we did a loop or two. I was conversing with a fellow passenger (who seemed very interested in pursuing my sister, Carolyn, romantically) when I overheard the flight attendants freaking out because we were nearly out of fuel. Word quickly spread and nearly everyone on board began to panic ... except for me. I was the picture of cool, calm, and collected. What's hilarious about that is that I would most definitely be the one freaking out if I heard such information while flying. I attempted to calm the other passengers ... and then I woke up. I have no idea what this dream means, if anything. I truly enjoyed the sensation of flying, though. And the big windows on the plane made it even more enjoyable.


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