Monday, January 16, 2006

I tried to save my life and it didn't work...

Here's Monday, again, and it's time to get back into the groove of a regular week. The weekend was nice -- not much happening, really ... or at least not much that I want to talk about in great detail. Suffice to say I'm sitting on a very wonderful opportunity and am hopeful that things continue to progress toward realizing it to its full potential. Yay for me. :-)

We watched a couple Star Trek movies on DVD over the weekend, and I'm happy to report they still provide me with as much enjoyment as they did when I saw them originally. I'm especially fond of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. It's the sci-fi geek in me, I guess ... but I'm a sucker for a good Trek adventure. It's too bad Enterprise never caught on ... it's somewhat strange for there to NOT be a Trek series in production. I've heard rumblings here and there that some plans are afoot to revitalize the film franchise. I hope the rumors bear fruit. I'd love to see something new. Get some fresh voices in there and really shake things up.

We also watched a very strange, unique, and ultimately captivating movie called Me and You and Everyone We Know. Wow. It starts off very strangely ... but before you know it, you're caught up in these characters and what they're going through. There are definitely some whacked out scenes that I didn't much care for, but there are a couple that are so breathtaking in their beauty and honesty that they more than make up for the oddities that are sprinkled throughout. One scene in particular hit me forcefully. Watch the movie and ask me which one. We'll talk.

Golden Globes tonight. They're really not as much of an Oscar predictor as they used to be, but they're still fun to watch. As always, I'll be judging what everyone wears ... with commentary to come tomorrow. And by the way -- BOYCOTT E! Don't watch their coverage. They were stupid enough to fire the blisteringly brilliant Kathy Griffin and replace her with ... get ready for it ... Ryan Seacrest. I could just vomit. Anyway ... to hell with E! And even though I've finally decided that Brokeback Mountain is pretty over-hyped, I still bet it takes some top awards. Enjoy.


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