Again with the random thoughts posting...
- It smells like pee in the office today, and I'm quite sure I did not soil myself. I wonder who did?
- I hate it when people who will answer an email from you in a split second won't take the time to answer their fucking phone when you call them. You know their asses are there -- so pick up the goddamn phone and talk to me. Some things are just easier to explain on the phone. I love me some email -- but c'mon. Jesus tap-dancing Christ.
- I like the groove I've gotten into at work.
- I really have a huge crush on Milo Ventimiglia -- and it's kinda weird, because he's really not a "type" I usually like. But I heart him.
- I'm very anxious for the Lost season finale. People have been vocal about the show supposedly losing its focus, yadda yadda ... but I still enjoy it every week. I just hope my future husband's character doesn't die. Matthew Fox -- you just don't know yet that you love me with all your heart.
- I made Tinky-Winky my desktop image at work and I smile every time I look at it. :-)
- Dad might have to have an angioplasty. He'll find out more Thursday. Send good thoughts. The last thing my folks need is more health drama.
- It really smells like pee in here!