Saturday, November 12, 2005

Busy busy

So there's some crazy high school band competition in town this weekend, and my friend Stew said he heard there are four million kids in downtown Indianapolis. Good GOD. I worked at Downtown Comics today, and was very busy. I LOVE it when it's busy ... not only does it make the shift go faster, there's something invigorating about selling fun comics to fun people. Luckily, I don't get many "un-fun" people in the shop, so that makes me smile. There was a really nice family from Merrillville that ended up spending close to $100 on their son. I was my typical supportive self, giving them the spiel about how reading comics as a kid is what fostered my love of reading. I do my part. hehe

My roommate is in St. Louis being a brazen hussy, and I hope he's having tres fun. I'm kinda jealous, but as much as I say that, I don't know if I'd have the chutzpah to actually *attend* a big bear event like that. Sometimes, I'm way too Catholic for my own good. And I know Tony will agree with me wholeheartedly. Kudos to Matty. I can't wait to hear his stories.

My dear friend Angela wants to host a Thanksgiving dinner for her close friends, and I'm betting it will be fun and festive. I have so many things I want to contribute. I should take a cooking class or two ... I enjoy it tremendously, but don't seem to make it a habit of actually *doing* it very often. Although I have made some pretty fab chicken noodle soup a couple times here lately. I'm going to "expand" and make beef and noodles one night this week. Mmmmmmm.


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