Thursday, January 26, 2006

I've been debating lately whether or not to hang up my blogging "duties." There doesn't seem to be much point. I seldom have anything to write about, and when I do, it's usually a bitching and moaning session. I know how old those can get ... so I'm trying to decide whether or not to continue with this little venture. It's therapeutic for me, to vent here ... but I also hold back sometimes, for fear of hurting someone who might read what's within. I shrug and press on.

It could just be the general "blah" I feel. It seems every time I take one step forward, I take the proverbial two steps backward. Work is a drag, my professional life "on hold" and in a daunting state of limbo. I fear that the 8 to 9 months I was "promised" will turn into 8 or 9 more -- and that makes my head hurt. My personal life is good, for the most part. There are things that T and I can't seem to see eye-to-eye on that bring about what, at times, appears to be insurmountable stress. And we're both stubborn enough to stand firm and think we're absolutely right, regardless of how the other is feeling. I'm very comfortable living where I live, but at the same time, feel like something of a failure that I'm renting from a friend and not making headway on my own condo or house payment. That just brings my debt to the forefront of my mind, and I get overwhelmed, thinking how incredibly messed up it is that I'm still paying for a surgical procedure I endured over 7 years ago. The same surgical procedure, I might add, that has inadvertently brought about a drastic change in my demeanor and physical "being" -- and is, at the root, the cause of the malaise that drapes itself over my relationship. And I honestly believe that we both truly do the "best we can." There are times when that's just not enough, I guess. We're left with the task of persevering, which we've come to do with aplomb. I try to tell myself they're simply bumps in the road of life ... and that things could be infinitely worse. It's small comfort, however, when I find myself worrying that I'm an unsatisfactory life partner.

My mother's health is failing, although she seems to be holding steady lately. I remind myself that she's 82 years old and has lived a rich, full life. Sure, there have been stressors and moments of utter lunacy -- but those are the interesting strands in her life's tapestry. She's a pretty amazing woman ... quite the survivor. I should draw strength from that, and apply her "let's just get through it" attitude to my own life. I think I do, whether I realize it or not, and that does bring me some comfort. Hell, if she can do it, I can do it. And I will. It's just a weird, "off" day. Yeah. That's all.


Blogger Tony said...

I like this blog. You've always got some great things to say. Would be a shame if you stopped.

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason ....
Two years ago I was diagnosed with a VERY rare bone marrow disorder. "No, sir sorry no cures but we'll give you all the compassionate care you can handle." Then about six months ago I got a second diagnosis of a completely different disease. Just this past weekend I was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery and tonight I'm home typing on the old and I mean really old gateway. Babes there are no guarantees in this life. The ONLY certainty is that we all leave it one way or another. And unless you're ready to swallow an exhaust pipe, then buck up and do the fucking best that you can. If the job is absolutely unbearable quit the fucker. If you need the benefits, then sit down and write a list of pros and cons about the job and figure out HOW you can make it work. You write beautifully, you are obviously bright, and I bet cute as a bug. Don't give up the blog but make it work for you, if you need it to be a bitch session every once in a while then so be it. But give usyour impressions, character sketches, feelings, it. It is definitely not true that when life gives us lemons we have to make fucking lemonade (I hate it). But you do have to make every effort to be as happy as possible. I know you can and will be.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're having an off day buddy. Like you say to me when I write about the shit in my head. HUGS and such. It'll get better and trudge through the crap to get to somewhere/place/thing that's better than the shit you just trudged through. Self-doubt is a common thing. You are an incredibly talented dude... I read your postings and I think, "damn he knows some words I don't" LOL ;) Seriously though, keep yer chin up gringo.


12:51 PM  
Blogger Tony McDonald said...

You know how I feel about it: you have a new lease... decorate! Lemons::lemonade? Maybe not. But you also don't wanna watch the lemons rot until there's nothing but mold. Make some choices. For yourself! And then life will happen around those choices. You can travel and see the world... or you can watch the world roll by you. Guess it just depends on what kind of movie you want your life to be. As for me... sign e up for the adventure flick, baby! I'm on a Quest. :-P

12:56 PM  

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