Monday, November 21, 2005

Three Things ME

I promise to NOT make these thingies a regular part of my blog ... but this came from my friend Shelly, and I thought it was fun.

Three Names you go by
1. Jace
2. Jasper

3. Nilla

Three Parts of Your Heritage
1. Scottish
2. Dutch
3. German

Three Things That Scare You
1. Snakes
2. Conservative Christians
3. Shakira

Three of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Coffee
2. My cell phone
3. My iPod

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Khaki cords
2. My glasses
3. My ring

Three of Your Favorite Songs (at the moment)
1. “Hung Up” by Madonna (I am so embarrassed)
2. “Twenty Years and Two Husbands Ago” by Lee Ann Womack

3. “Dare” by Gorillaz

Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. Honesty
2. Trust
3. Respect

Two Truths and a Lie (in any order)
1. I have a secret “crush” on someone I know socially.
2. I recently told a friend I’d support her decision, but I really think she’s making a huge mistake.
3. I tell everyone I’ve quit smoking – but I’m still smoking occasionally.

Three PHYSICAL Things About Other Menzes that Appeal to You
1. Laugh
2. Chest hair
3. Butt

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Reading
2. Collecting comic books
3. Surfing the Net

Three Things You Want to Do Really Badly Right Now
1. Take a weekend getaway with T and just relax
2. Take a long nap
3. Lose weight

Three Places You Want to Go
1. Greece
2. Australia
3. Great Britain

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Take an extended vacation with my girlfriends
2. Publish a novel or two

3. Live in a big, big city

Three Ways You are Stereotypically a Girl/Guy
1. I cry very easily
2. I love to gossip, even though I know I shouldn’t…
3. I fantasize about not having to work


Blogger Jason C. said...

AH, "Nilla." Hehe. When I was in high school, one of my best hags found herself expecting a baby by her African-American boyfriend. Now, in 1989, that was some serious shit. She decided to make light of the whole situation and create silly alter egos for our group of friends. She became Potpourri Sachet (pronounced Pot-Pore-Eee Satch-it), our friend Shel became Reese Cup, and I was their pimp, Nilla Wafer. Stupid high school crap, yes, but still worth a giggle now.

As for Shakira -- honey, please. Someone mistakenly told that skank that she was sexy, and she BELIEVED them. I hate her voice. I hate her songs. And I'm convinced that she's a space alien. Ewwww.

9:31 AM  

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